This site is primarily used for materials on which I am working, for test purposes.
An Angel Amongst Strange Bears
A recent project has been a short video to support the publication of a book of this title, about John Hobart of Blickling Hall, 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire. The book is available from Poppyland Publishing
Archaeology at SHARP. Sedgeford
Below is a module on Trench 24 of the SHARP Archaeological dig, as at 29th July 2022. You can click and explore the various tools within the module. Arrows on the left and right will open menus.
Magic Lantern Slides
My interest in visual media stems from working with grandfather on magic lanterns in the 1950s. He, in turn, had worked with his father from the late 1800s. An ongoing task is to digitise slides in their collection. I recently managed to twist the handle off one of the slides and had to take it apart to repair it, which gave an opportunity to scan the elements of the slides and bring them together in Adobe After-Effects. The carolling animation is the result as an animated GIF.
The following two imagers are also animated GIFs; on the left is a chromatrope, two glasses with painted patterns and on the right is 'man swallowing rat' - many variations of this slide were produced.
Carolling for Christmas. A three glass and roller blind set of slides.
Two contrarotating glassed & a stationary glass - a tricky one to animate
A chromatrope, two contrarotating pieces of glass in good quality brass mounts.
A favourite lantern slide - can't understand why!
The 2022 "Weeping Window" at Cromer Parish church
The sequence below is an extract from the video made to record the creation of the "Weeping Window" for Cromer parish church at the time of the commemoration of 75 years after the end of the Second World War. The display was delayed by two years because of the Covid pandemic. It is created from a substantial number of still photographs taken from a drone flown by Chris Taylor; a 3D model was made and video sequences created from the 3D model.
West Runton Mammoth
The West Runton mammoth was excavated in the 1990s; you can see a video created for Cromer Museum at the Cromer Dictionary website The Norfolks Museums Service has worked with Thinksee3D to published 3D models of some of the bones of the mammoth.
title="West Runton Mammoth"
allow="autoplay; fullscreen; xr-spatial-tracking"
West Runton Mammoth
by ThinkSee3D
on Sketchfab